Thursday, June 4, 2009


youtube lets you customize your video players. It's neat, so i tried it, and here it is.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

your world

I'm not a part of your world
I don't take part in your games
I'm not friends with your friends
And I don't know anyone on your buddy list

I'm not a part of your world
With push button stimulation
The push and click results

I'm not a part of your world
completely consumed
secluded from the real world
you live in your head
on the living room floor

I'm not a part of your world,
And i'm sorry
I will never be
Never as good as them
Never doing the kinds of things that they do
Never tight or blond let alone both

I'm not a part of your world
I can be touched
I can feel pain
I can return thoughts and emotions
I can actually react to the things you say and do

I'm not a part of your world
And I can't compete
I'm never going to make you happy
So I'm giving up